Now is Not the Time for Social Justice Experiments like $0 Bail

Posted by - May 19, 2020

(Todd Spitzer) – Presidential advisor Rahm Emanuel, speaking about the financial crisis in 2008, said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste … it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” The California Judicial Council, a little-known state entity that controls the entire court system, decided

Two-time Convict Released on “Zero Bail” before Murdering his Neighbor

Posted by - May 13, 2020

(Chuck Muth) – Criminal justice reform warriors continue their crusade to give get-out-of-jail-free cards to accused criminals who pose a danger to the community in Nevada.  If successful, the inevitable results will be deadly. Consider this example from our next-door neighbor to the west, as reported by Mitch McKinley of Law Enforcement Today… “Jamal Thomas