Catching & Releasing “Peaceful Rioters”

Posted by - October 24, 2020

(Chuck Muth) – Ford Fisher, editor-in-chief of N2S Reports, recently tweeted that Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA prepared support packages of drinks, food, sanitation products and cigarettes for peaceful rioters in Portland who had been arrested. He added: “I’m told the few already released had charges dropped.” To which Ian Miles Cheong, managing editor for Human Events,

Las Vegas’ Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Judge

Posted by - October 18, 2020

(Chuck Muth) – Bryan Hofmann of KTVN 2 News in Reno recently reported that “a big change in Nevada a few years back was the abolishment of the ‘standard bail’ system, which gave specific bail amounts for specific crimes.” The complaint was that low-income criminals couldn’t afford bail and, therefore, were being discriminated against simply