“Catch And Release,” Commit More Crimes, and Repeat Cycle

Posted by - September 3, 2020

(Stephen Moore | Committee to Unleash Prosperity) – Philip Lawrence Nelson was charged with interfering with police in June as riots first swept Portland. The charges were quickly dropped. But he has now been charged in a double-stabbing murder that occurred just one week after he was “caught and released.” Nor is he the only

“Peaceful Rioters” Enjoying Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Cards

Posted by - September 1, 2020

(Chuck Muth) – On Monday, Ford Fisher, editor-in-chief of N2S Reports, tweeted that Black Lies Matter/ANTIFA put together packages of drinks, food, sanitation products and cigarettes for released rioters in the city of Portland who had been arrested over the weekend. He added: “I’m told the few already released had charges dropped.” To which Ian