10 Days of Domestic Violence Hell: Part II

Posted by - February 26, 2021

  (Chuck Muth) – As noted at the end of Part I of this series, “Sid” did time in federal prison for attempting to strangle his then-girlfriend on a Southwest Airlines flight.  The woman wrote and submitted a letter to the court detailing the terror she suffered at his hands during their stormy nine-month relationship.

Serial Woman-Beater Released without Bail

Posted by - February 19, 2021

From a News12 report in the Bronx this week… A disturbing domestic violence arrest and subsequent release in Orange County (NY) has led to renewed calls for a second look at bail reform. A Dutchess County mother says a two-hourlong domestic violence attack left her blind in her right eye. “He had his arms and

10 Days of Domestic Violence Hell: Part I

Posted by - February 19, 2021

  (Chuck Muth) – My friend arrived at our house for Christmas dinner with a black eye that even a herculean effort to cover with makeup couldn’t hide. “Nancy” (not her real name) had been brutally punched in the face by her former live-in boyfriend – we’ll call him “Sid” – three weeks earlier. She